About the Wolf Pack
The Wolf Pack
At AIM Academy, athletics is an integral part of a program that incorporates many areas of learning. Through involvement in interscholastic sports, as well as our fitness and wellness programs, students gain self-confidence and discipline, which also support their emotional and social development. Athletics contributes to a well-rounded education for each student by providing competitive and equitable sports programs that strive for achievement and excellence, with an emphasis on the health and personal development of all student-athletes. Our goal is for our student-athletes to always have a feeling of accomplishment while building school spirit and a constant sense of community. A philosophy that reflects our commitment to coach the way that we teach, assures that every student feels valued and supported.
AIM Academy is a member Penn-Jersey Athletic League. Upper and Middle Schools offer a variety of interscholastic, as well as fitness and wellness, options in each season. We encourage students to take full advantage of these opportunities to build character and establish values both on and off the field.
AIM also offers a variety of after-school sports and activities for Lower School students.