Psychological Assessments
The Psychological Services Department at the AIM offers comprehensive psychoeducational evaluation services to students and families currently attending AIM as well as students attending school elsewhere.
Comprehensive psychoeducational evaluations identify areas of strength and need across cognitive, executive, academic, social/emotional and behavioral domains. This results in a diagnosis, instructional recommendations, and planning future educational programming. This is accomplished through interviews, consultations, records review, observations,and the administration of standardized assessments and rating scales. It is important to learn as much as possible about a student in order to make a correct diagnosis and provide valuable recommendations to the home and school.
The battery of assessments is individually designed to address areas of concern, but all evaluations contain:
A detailed developmental history that addresses academic, physical and social development.
A thorough review of all school reports, previous evaluations and other pertinent data regarding the student's academic, medical and social development
Observations of the student in their current classroom environment; interviews with relevant school personnel; and teacher input in the form of questionnaires, rating scales, or classroom assessments
If applicable, and with the parents' consent, conversations will also be held with the student's tutor, therapist, and other involved individuals.
A formal evaluation consisting of an individually administered battery of tests to measure intellectual ability, perceptual and perceptual-motor functioning, language and processing skills, executive functioning, academic achievement, learning style, visual and auditory memory, attention and concentration and social/emotional adjustment. This evaluation may take place over multiple sessions in order to obtain an accurate representation of a student’s current functioning.
A feedback session with the parents to discuss the results of the evaluation and recommendations
The student may also have an individual session to learn the results and discuss the recommendations
A written report that includes recommendations for the teachers and the parents. This report is property of the parents who can chose to submit the results to the school. The evaluator will be available to speak to those who will be involved with the student and answer questions regarding the the report.