Speech and Language Therapy
AIM is unique in that it has a team of on-campus, in-house Speech-Language Pathologists. There are 7 therapists that see students in grades 1-12, who are all experts in language-based learning differences and literacy-building strategies to support students with a variety of difficulties. Therapists also see students attending schools other than AIM as young as kindergarten, on an as-requested basis. This is an important opportunity for children who could use more support in a certain academic subject, or would like to receive private speech-language therapy within a literacy-focused setting.
What is Speech and Language Therapy?
The key components of helping our students become fluent and strategic readers can be outlined into two main areas: word recognition and language comprehension. We do not always associate language development with reading but it is one of the two critical factors.
At AIM Academy, we take the research in reading seriously by providing full time Speech and Language Pathologists (SLPs) who are available to support students in the classroom, support the teachers as they individualize instruction and provide one-on-one therapy where the individual plan for a child indicates this is needed. Our model at AIM consists of individual “pull-out” therapy in a quiet, office setting, as well as individual “push-in” therapy in the classroom setting to target skills based on the individual need of the child. We have the flexibility to incorporate either or both models of therapy depending on what works best for the student. Additionally the SLPs provide assessment in areas such as phonological awareness and reading comprehension to assist classroom teachers in monitoring students’ progress in those areas.
Our SLPs provide intervention to support the following broad areas:
Expressive Language
Receptive Language
Reading Comprehension
Written Expression
Social Pragmatic Communication
Therapists also engage in consultation and collaboration with teachers, which typically involves providing insights into underlying language deficits that may be affecting academic performance and collaborating on strategies to help the student improve the deficit or compensate by minimizing the impact. SLPs are also available to faculty during progress monitoring meetings to add their perspectives and support teachers in material modification and teaching strategies.
If your child has never had speech & language therapy before, and you are interested in having your child evaluated by an AIM Speech-Language Pathologist, or having your child re-evaluated for academic purposes, we offer comprehensive speech-language evaluations. These evaluations provide standardized assessment, individualized recommendations for therapy, and suggested classroom strategies to support the student’s language and speech development.